Wednesday, December 14, 2016

SL Gacha events, have they jumped the shark? Well when this phenomenon started the major player was years later it seems there is a new gacha event every week. There is a lot of nice product being made as a result. That is a good thing. So are there any bad things or effects? YES, as a Gacha re-seller and with the advent of a viewer based market place, literally any avatar can now list their spare gacha items. For the consumer this offers basically a new "Wild West" in gacha sales. Quality control just isn't there and scammers are now on both sides of the marketplace. You now take a risk that that rare or desirable item is even real or even for sale for $10L on MP. I am of course exaggerating, but gone are the days when a re-seller like me could expect at the very, very least to sell an item for the cost of one try at the actual machine. When the incentives for quality re-sellers is no longer there, you will see a loss in reputable people to buy from, and people like myself who eck out an honest SL living here to avoid importing their own cash, will no longer want to put in all that work on an MP Ad and only get $20L for their troubles. If you are one of these people who used to delete duplicate gacha, or hand it out to friends or noobs, but are now casually listing everything for $5 or $10L please STOP. You are not doing anyone a favor and are in fact destroying the SL livelihood of some of your fellow residents. Sell it if you must, but if you can't be bothered to list it properly, give it to someone like me who will work with you on a sale, monitor it, and deal with the buyers. Someone who works hard here for their Lindens.

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